
Coming soon at end of the year when DIH will be launched.

The main values received by entering the Innovamare community are: networking, visibility and personal development.

Networking – Every collaboration starts with connection.

Innovamare is providing you one place where you can expand your connections, collaborations and knowledge. Member has an access to the community area where it can be involved in creating and discussing topics related to blue technologies or sustainability of the sea.

Visibility – Let the whole world know you are an expert! Share your expertise on Innovamare. Our members can create a professional profile in order to increase online visibility of their expertise. They can publish their articles regarding any topic of sustainability of the sea. Let your expertise be heard!

Personal development – “In today’s environment, hoarding knowledge ultimately erodes your power. If you know something very important, the way to get power is by actually sharing it.”― Joseph Badaracco

We have knowledge we want to share with others. Members of the Innovamare community have the opportunity to expand their knowledge through numerous events, online education, practical knowledge and product testing.

Be a part of excellence in blue economy!







