Skills and training

Services aimed for preparatory and upskilling companies, experts, employees and other interested stakeholders in the field of marine technologies and sectors of blue economy by providing online modules, auditorium meetings, access to water, robots and related tech through:

• Academy Innovamare on topics:
Intellectual Property Rights
Innovation ecosystem
New business models
Innovation and environmental sustainability
Spin offs
Technology transfer
Digital transformation

• Info engagement
We are taking your skills and expertise through our community bringing them closer to potential audiance that would use it for improving there skills or get to relevant information.

Innovamare Academy


Innovamare Academy is an educational initiative focusing on the digital and green transformation of the Blue Economy, particularly through the application of advanced marine technologies such as robotics and sensors. This initiative is part of a broader strategic project funded by the Italy-Croatia cross-border cooperation program under the European Regional Development Fund. The academy offers a five-day workshop held in Šibenik, Croatia, featuring lectures and practical sessions conducted by renowned experts in the field different fields and sectors of blue economy.

The workshops cover a variety of critical topics including ocean conservation, sustainable fishing practices, renewable ocean energy, and the use of autonomous marine vehicles. Participants are provided with the unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies and to engage in networking with professionals and peers in the sector. This initiative not only aims to enhance knowledge and skills but also to foster collaborative networks among participants from various backgrounds.

Such initiatives, that focus on marine technology and environmental sustainability, are vital for advancing sustainable practices in marine industries and for promoting international cooperation in tackling the challenges faced by our oceans. They serve as platforms for innovation, learning, and collaboration, essential for the long-term sustainability of marine ecosystems.

What’s in it for the students?

Students participating in this initiative gain a multitude of benefits that extend beyond traditional classroom learning. Here’s what’s in it for the students:

  1. Hands-on experience: Innovamare Academy provides practical experience in marine technologies, where students can engage in real-world applications and hands-on workshops. This experiential learning helps them understand complex concepts in a tangible way and equips them with skills that are directly applicable in their future careers.
  2. Access to cutting-edge technology: Students get the opportunity to work with the latest technologies in marine science and underwater robotics.
  3. Career advancement: By participating in this educational program, students can significantly enhance their resumes and improve their employment prospects in marine sciences and related fields. The practical skills and network they develop can open doors to careers in academia, industry, and government agencies concerned with marine conservation and exploration.
  4. Networking opportunities: This program often brings together students, educators, industry leaders, and researchers from around the world, providing a platform for networking. Such connections can be invaluable for collaborative research opportunities, internships, and even future job offers.
  5. Interdisciplinary Learning: Students learn to integrate knowledge from various disciplines—engineering, biology, environmental science, and technology—offering a holistic approach to solving marine-related problems. This interdisciplinary exposure is crucial for addressing the complex challenges of marine conservation and sustainable ocean management.
  6. Leadership and Teamwork Skills: This initiative includes competitions and collaborative projects, encourage teamwork and leadership. Students learn to work in diverse teams, lead projects, and communicate effectively, all of which are essential skills in any career.
  7. Global Perspective and Cultural Exchange: Particularly in international programs, students gain a global perspective on marine conservation challenges and solutions. They learn about different cultures and approaches to marine science, enriching their understanding and appreciation of global diversity.

These educational initiatives offer students a robust platform to develop both their technical skills and soft skills, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the marine technology and conservation sectors.

About the first Innovamare Academy

The first Innovamare Academy, which took place from May 8th to May 12th 2023 in Šibenik, Croatia, featured a series of educational workshops focusing on the digital and green transformation of the blue economy. Participants of the Academy benefited not only from the high-quality lectures and hands-on learning experiences but also from the opportunity to network with experts and peers in a setting dedicated to advancing the sustainable use of marine resources.

The Academy aimed to enhance participants’ knowledge in marine technologies, particularly in areas such as robotics and sensors. Renowned lecturers from the fields of marine biology, oceanography, environmental science, and marine technology led the sessions, sharing their expertise and insights on sustainable practices and technological innovations in marine environments.

Antonio Vasilijević – is a research project manager at the Applied Underwater Robotics Laboratory (AURLab), Norwegian University of Science and Technology where he is responsible for full lifecycle of research projects, from securing funds, implementation, delivering research results and reporting. He is also involved on operational and decisional level in operation, maintenance, and further development of the Laboratory research infrastructure. Previously, Antonio acted as a Senior and Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Underwater Systems and Technologies at University of Zagreb Croatia where he was project manager or key researcher in number of projects related to marine robotics, mainly funded by European FP7 and Horizon programs. Before returning back to academia in 2009, he worked in various engineering and senior positions in marine industry. From 2010 to 2019 Antonio was a Chairman of the Technical Committee of the International Interdisciplinary Conference of Marine Robotics and Applications “Breaking the Surface”. He is an author and co-author of more than 50 papers published in journals and at conference proceedings. His research interests cover broad area of marine robotics or marine technology in general and their applications.

Andrea Saiani – MBA in SMEs development at IULM (Milan) and Master in Leadership at MIT (Boston), is an innovation advocate and techno entrepreneur with a green mission at heart. He is an entrepreneur-in-residence mentor for the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Course of EIT-Digital at the University of Trento, Italy, and a Senior Mentor at Creative Valley-Station F in Paris. He is CEO and Co-Founder of Witted Srl, a leading green tech company on the autonomous monitoring of coastal marine biodiversity. Currently he is CEO @Witted Srl.

Frane Urem – graduated from the study of electrical engineering, majoring in automatics with excellent success and obtained the professional title of graduate electrical engineer. He received his doctorate in the field of computing at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in 2012 with the topic Reliability modeling of software support for company resource management. He has published more than 30 scientific and professional papers in international peer-reviewed journals and a number of industry certificates (Oracle, Cisco, Microsoft, Fortinet). He is a lecturer at Oracle education programs for teachers from Central and Eastern European countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Currently, he is Vice Dean for Business at the Polytechnic in Šibenik and teaches Objective-oriented programming, Selected topics and technologies from the World Wide Web, Design and analysis of information systems, Business information systems, Software engineering, Intellectual property and information systems, Introduction to web technologies, Economics of information systems.

Marija Stupalo – CEO managing a regional leader in maintenance of industrial facilities. Co-founder of MARAL TECHNOLOGIES, a startup company providing innovative solutions for mariculture. SDA Bocconi Global Executive MBA graduate with fluency in 5 languages. Currently, she is CEO of a company that offers complete solutions for the maintenance and repair of industrial plants in various sectors such as energy, iron and steel production, mining, production of building materials, construction, sea and river ports, agricultural and food industry, and utility companies. In over 25 years of existence, we have delivered more than 300 successful large works to domestic and foreign clients.

Josip Rukavina – engineer but with extensive IT knowledge. Passionate about creating innovative solutions in business using the latest technology in order to achieve better efficiency and optimization. In his current projects he is combining different photo and video equipment using drones and ROV’s. Also keeping up with all exponential trends in 3D modeling. These experiences are helpful in creation of authentic content, thinking beyond the usual, routinized-established business processes, bringing together all the knowledge from various, seemingly unrelated fields, which is his best quality in business. Current Occupation: Asset Management, UAV Precision Flying, Underwater Inspections, Digital Twin.

Students about us:

An interesting lecture, it was useful as an introduction to the AI-related lectures that were held later.

The topic lecture was about AI and how it works, explaining how it can be used to filter and group data in several ways.

The initial part of the presentation about the lecturer’s company was interesting for the students.

Suggestions from the students how to improve our Academy were adopted and from this year we have improved:

  • No more online lectures
  • More practical experience in marine technologies
  • Grouping of the topics

What can you expect this year?

Topics of the lectures:

  • Introduction, satellite monitoring, robotics and sensorics
  • Aquaculture and marine tourism
  • Maritime transport and shipbuilding
  • Practical appliance
  • Solution development – development of potential sustainability models to lower negative impacts, presentation

Innovamare Academy program: LINK

Accommodation: Student dorm Palacin, Šibenik

Lecture venues:

Practical appliance venues:

About Šibenik:


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