Project MATIN: Croatia – Norway Marine Technology Innovation network

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Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 “Business Development and Innovation Croatia” Programme “Small Grants Scheme-2 on Soft Measures – Development of business skills for enterprises in the focus areas Green Industry Innovation and Blue Growth” Overall budget: 82,465 € Grant: 74,219 € (90%) Start date: 01.10.2023. End date: 30.4.2024. Project partners: FI Future Innovations – Fremtidens Industri […]

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Panel: Financiranje projekata na području plave ekonomije i morskih tehnologija za unapređenje suradnje znanosti i privatnog sektora

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Dragi članovi Innovamare zajednice i oni koji će to tek postati, pozivamo Vas da sudjelujete u panelu:”Financiranje projekata u područjima plave ekonomije i morskih tehnologija za unapređenje suradnje znanosti i privatnog sektora” koji će se održati u okviru skupštine DIH Innovamare 12.12.2023. u Šibeniku, Velimira Škorpika 6. i to u terminu od 12.45h do 14.00h. […]

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Javni poziv – prijavite se za usluge digitalizacije svojeg poslovanja!

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Želite li podići razinu svoje digitalne zrelosti, konkurentnosti i učinkovitosti, javite nam se! EDIH CROBOHUB++ objavio je Javni poziv za usluge digitalizacije poslovanja. CROBOHUB++ je one stop shop osnovan s ciljem podrške poduzetnicima različitih profila i povećanja razine digitalne zrelosti poduzeća. Članovi konzorcija kreirali su usluge strukturirane u četiri kategorije koje će krajnjim korisnicima (poduzećima i […]

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ROBOTIMA in Trieste
May 3rd 2023

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ROBOTIMA in Trieste in May 2023. The second edition of ROBOTIMA is scheduled for 3 May 2023 starting at 2.00 pm in the Bobi Bazlen hall of Palazzo Gopcevich. The event will be a moment of study and presentation of marine robotics and sensor solutions. Innovative companies and realities and research institutions from Italy and […]

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The final conference of the strategic project InnovaMare

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The final conference of the strategic project InnovaMare will take place on the 12th of May in Šibenik (Croatia). Hosted by Croatian Chamber of Economy Location: The Polytechnic of Šibenik, Trg Andrije Hebranga 11 The idea of this conference is to engage quadruple-helix stakeholders in a discussion on the needs and opportunities of digital and […]

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Seminar Protecting and monitoring the ocean – the Nordics

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We are pleased to inform you that InnovaMare is part of the European Ocean Monitoring and Protecting seminar, which focuses on the Nordics. The seminar will be held on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 in Trondheim, Norway, during NTNU Ocean Week. Ocean Autonomy Cluster organizes the seminar in partnership with European Investment Bank, Blue Invest, DG Mare, and […]

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Fourth InnovaMare roadshow – Bari, 22-23 March 2023

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On Wednesday 22 March and Thursday 23 March 2023, Bari will host the Roadshow on blue technologies and smart solutions for the Adriatic Sea, organized by ARTI – the Apulian Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation as the partner of the InnovaMare project. The InnovaMare strategic project is designed to develop and establish a model […]

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The Founding Assembly of the Digital Innovation HUB InnovaMare was held in Šibenik

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A new centre for the development of innovative marine technologies for the transformation of the blue economy The Digital Innovation HUB InnovaMare was founded today in Šibenik as a result of the implementation of the strategic InnovaMare project financed from the Interreg Italy-Croatia cross-border program, worth 5.6 million euros. The vision of DIH InnovaMare is […]

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InnovaMare ship for marine and environmental research

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Krajem prošle godine Istraživačka postaja na Martinskoj koja djeluje u sklopu Zavoda za istraživanje mora i okoliša Instituta Ruđer Bošković (IRB) postala je bogatija za novi istraživački brod. Nabava broda sufinancirana je sredstvima Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Programa prekogranične suradnje Italija – Hrvatska kroz projekt InnovaMare pod vodstvom dr. sc. Marine Mlakar. […]

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InnovaMare 2022. in numbers

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Second year of implementation 1.1.2022.-31.12.2022. The second year of the InnovaMare strategic project was a year in which we presented the results of the project so far through held roadshows, continued to maintain the platform and had meetings with different stakeholders. The second half of the year was dedicated to the establishment of DIH and […]

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